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Scale Biosciences

Discover single cell biology at scale. Scale Bio's single cell sequencing technology enables scalable sample indexing, cell throughput and multi-omics analysis. The methods are based on their founders' seminal tech and IP in sci methods (Shendure, Trapnell) and quantum barcoding (Nolan).

How it works

ScaleBio’s single cell sequencing library preparation technology and single-cell analysis solutions enable unprecedented sample multiplexing, cell throughput, and multi-omics profiling of cells across a broad range of genomic, epigenomic, transcriptomic, proteogenomic, and multi-omic applications.

Split-pool barcoding and combinatorial indexing methods leverage the cell as a compartment for a simple, instrument-free single-cell workflow as follows:

  1. Permeabilized cells are distributed in a multi-well plate where barcoded probes tag cellular analytes with a barcode that is uniform for all cells within a single well.
  2. These barcoded cells are pooled, then randomly re-distributed for another round of barcoding.
  3. This process is completed when the desired barcode space has been achieved. The number of cells profiled can be scaled up exponentially with repeated rounds of pooling and splitting to enable single cell experiments with hundreds of thousands to millions of cells.


ScaleBio's products enable a unique combination of increased throughput, multi-omics support, cost-effective library preparation, and high-quality data. 

  • Scalable sample indexing
  • Scalable sample throughput
  • Multi-modal application support
  • Highly efficient chemistries
  • Cost efficient chemistries
  • Instrument agnostic and compatible 


Single cell Library Preparation kits 

Scale Bio has developed a scATAC pre-indexing kit that allows the ability to profile chromatin accessibility from up to 24 samples and 300.000 nuclei in a simple experiment while maintaining high data quality.  

Coming up

ScaleBio is quickly following-on with additional single-cell combinatorial indexing applications and workflows, including single-cell transcriptome profiling for higher throughput experiments. Therefor they are going to release a stand-alone kit for scRNA-seq, and other products based on the same technology - stay tuned!

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Get in touch with one of our specialists

Henrik Tind Nielsen profile picture
Henrik Tind Nielsen CCO & Product Specialist Automation
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 +45 3927 1777
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