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anamed Electrophorese GmbH

anamed Electrophorese specialises in the manufacture of precast gels and associated accessories for gel electrophoresis.

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The high quality standards, rapid service and fast delivery make anamed a highly reliable supplier.
Gels are made to order and shipped directly from the manufacturing plant in Germany to secure absolute fresh gels.


Bis-Tris-Gels - For MES/MOPS running 

Tris-Glycin-Gels - Traditionel "Laemmli" Gels

Tris-Tricin-Gels - For peptides

Tris-Borate-EDTA-Gels - For double stranded DNA

TBE-Urea Gels- For singlestranded RNA + DNA

Vertical isoelectric focusing Gels - For separation according to pI.

Feel free to contact our local Product Specialist for more information, samples and quotes.

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Peter Bedsted Andersen profile picture
Peter Bedsted Andersen Product Specialist: Protein Chemistry & Oceanography
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