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Analytik Jena AG

Liquid Handling & Automation - Optimize and automate your processes Main products; CyBio FeliX — Compact pipetting platform with unique robust pipetting heads and tips solutions.

Liquid Handling & Automation

Optimize and automate your processes

Analytik Jena offers with its liquid handling systems a perfect solution for daily pipetting routines. 

With Analytik Jena solutions you increase the efficiency of your processes – from compact liquid handling systems for daily pipetting routines up to automated simultaneous pipettors all way to robotic systems tailored to your application, throughput, and capacity requirements.

Main products

CyBio-FeliX — Designed for your Lab

Fully automatic multichannel pipetting system

The CyBio FeliX is a flexible and fully automatic multi-channel pipetting robot. The modular system consists of a basic unit, with a unique two-level deck system and easy-to-change pipetting heads. The pipetting heads can automatically switch between different pipette tip magazines, pipetting tools, and other instruments (such as grippers). Further accessories such as tip-washing stations, reservoirs etc. are available as well.

  • Unique, compact design with 12 positions on 2 levels
  • Closed stand-alone system, optionally without housing for a laminar flow workbench and for integration into automation systems
  • Flexible pipetting system for 1 - 384-channel operations featuring exchangeable pipetting heads and an automatic change of liquid handling adapters

Click here to read more about Cybio-FeliX


Precise and semi-automatic pipettor with 96 or 384 pipetting channels for easy and fast filling of 96- and 384-well microplates without the use of a computer. Applications like replication and reformatting, medium exchange as well as serial dilution can be executed reproducible and convenient.

  • Fast and precise processing of 96- and 384-well microplates without computer
  • Simple and intuitive handling with touch screen
  • Easy and fast tip changing with ready to use CyBio TipTrays
  • Error-free and reproducible results due to 96 or 384 parallel pistons and proven tip sealing principle
  • Reminder function and automatic use of pipetting heights and parameters for the processing of several microplates
  • An open design allows the use of external devices like shaker, vacuum chamber, heating adapters, etc.
  • Applications such as replication and reformatting of microplates as well as serial dilutions can be execute in seconds

Click here for Cybio-Selma video & details

Other products for pipetting and automation

Cybio Well Vario, Cybio-Carry (new robotic handler), Cybio Quadprint and much more.

Feel free to contact our local Product Specialist for more information, samples and quotes.

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Henrik Tind Nielsen CCO & Product Specialist Automation
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