InstantStain Coomassie Stain
15 min non-toxic one-step stain. Safe to ship, handle and dispose of. Lower Protein detection limit of only 5 ng - Same as you would get using traditional Coomassie Blue staining process using acetic acid/ethanol stain and over night destaining – Just so much easier, convenient and faster!
Product #: INST-1L-181 Unit size: 1 l Supplier: Kem-En-Tec Nordic A/S Available in the following countries:Got any questions?
Get in touch with one of our specialists

Peter Bedsted Andersen
Product Specialist: Protein Chemistry & Oceanography

Håkan Rundgren
Product Specialist: Instruments, Protein chemistry, Cell- and Molecular Biology

Cristina Battagli
Product Specialist: Diagnostics, Metabolomics, Imaging & Cell Biology