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SensoQuest GmbH was founded in 2005. With a highly qualified  team of physicists, engineers and biologists they have more than 20 years’ experience in the thermocycler market. All Thermocyclers are produced and serviced in Germany

 The latest generation of Peltier elements ensures the highest temperature homogeneity at high heating and cooling rates.


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TheLabcycler Pro Basic and LabCycler Pro Gradient are newly developed high-quality thermocycler equipped with a completely renewed user network-interface. The large 7-inch multi-touch screen with its 1280 x 800 pixels is extremely high-resolution and supports the user optimally with its excellent font and detailed graphics. In addition to the tabular listing, programming can now also be done with the help of a highly intuitive graphical user interface. 

The Labcycler Pro has a GBit Ethernet interface and Wi-Fi. This makes it possible to access programs of other lab cyclists in a local network, edit them and start them.

·         Storage capacity of the 1GB memory. 

·         USB high-speed is supported for data backup and program transfer.

·         start programs directly from the USB stick.

·         Can be controlled and monitored from a PC

·         Gradient 40 °C, ± 20 °C from left to right

·         48, 96, 384, Triple and In Situ blocks are available

·         Password protection Configurable up to 64 users

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The Labcycler Basic  and the Labcycler Gradient, are designed for classical PCR. The solid design with an aluminum front plate and a warranty of 5 years makes the system for all users interesting looking for quality. 

·         Quick-block-changing system

·         Intuitive user interface 

·         Very low noise level

·         Cooling at 4 °C for a very long period. 

·         Low power consumption 

·         IVD approved version

·         Temperature gradients from 8 to 24 zones for Labcycler Gradient

·          48, 96, 384, Triple and In Situ blocks are available

Feel free to contact our local Product Specialist for more information, samples and quotes.

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Kem-En-tec Nordic A/S
 Kuldyssen 10, 2630 Taastrup
 +45 3927 1777
 Parkvägen 12, 448 34 Floda
 +46 18 149000
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