Nippon Genetics Europe
The Blue/Green Revolution
The Blue/Green LED technology is a safe and revolutionary method for the detection of stained nucleic acids. Technology uses a combination of wavelengths in a light spectrum ranging from 470 nm to 520 nm. This light range lies in the visible light spectrum and is not harmful for the user or for the DNA sample. The Blue/Green LED is a fundamental part of all Gel documentation systems from Nippon Genetics. In combination with the MIDORI Green dye it enables you to work safely and with a very high intensity.
Save time while saving your cells
The cell freezing media Bambanker™ permits cryopreservation of cells at -80°C (or in liquid nitrogen), obviating the need for an additional and expensive ultralow freezer and avoiding time consuming and complicated controlled freezing protocols. Simply harvest cells, aspirate medium, resuspend in Bambanker™ and transfer to a cryovial. No programmed or sequential freezing is required!
The Mupid® One comes with the Gel casting set standard including 4 double sided combs and different gel trays, to meet all your different needs. All combs are multi-channel pipettes compatible.
The detachable power supply has seven output voltage settings , as well as a timer function for delivering the perfect run every time
Feel free to contact our Product Specialists for more information, samples and quotes.