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BUHLMANN Diagnostics Corp


The fecal calprotectin assays from BÜHLMANN is today considered as the gold-standard. The range offers a solution for every need, from  the gold-standard BÜHLMANN fCAL® ELISA, to the Quantum Blue® rapid test, to the home test IBDoc® and to the automated, random-access BÜHLMANN fCAL® turbo  The BÜHLMANN calprotectin assays appear in more than 100 clinical publications thereby demonstrating the reliability and the quality in diagnosis and monitoring of IBD.
A solution for every need 

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All calprotectin products benefit from our patented easy, safe, and clean stool CALEX® sampling and extraction devices, making a direct comparison of methods possible
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The Calex Cap  stool preparation device is also ideal in combination with the BÜHLMANN fPELA® turbo. The extracts are ready to analyze and the CALEX device can be applied directly into the clinical chemistry analyzer.

 The fPELA turbo assay reduces the hands-on time dramatically and allows reporting pancreatic elastase results from human stool samples within shortest time.

Allergy test

The Flow CAST® is an in vitro diagnostic test for the qualitative assessment of basophil activation upon stimulation with specific allergens. The test is intended for the aid of diagnosis of immediate type in conjunction with other laboratory tests.

BÜHLMANN provides a broad range of quality controlled allergens and mixes which are standardized and validated for the use in the cellular allergy assays. The CAST® Allergens from BÜHLMANN are intended for in vitro leukocyte stimulation in the CAST® Assays

Feel free to contact our local Product Specialist for more information, samples and quotes.

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 Kuldyssen 10, 2630 Taastrup
 +45 3927 1777
 Parkvägen 12, 448 34 Floda
 +46 18 149000
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